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Saturday, February 20, 2010

Spent some time walking on the beach along Lake Erie this morning. The sun was warm for a February morning and the lake was snow covered as far as the eye could see. Peaceful and quiet, it was nice to get away from everything for a few hours.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

I've been reexamining my work, looking at a lot of older photographs, trying to reconnect with it. During this process I think I've really discovered where I want my photography to go. I find myself connecting more emotionally to my images. It's kind of rejuvenating. I've always put a lot of pressure on myself to "appease the masses" and have been trying to create what I thought people would like. Now, I just want to do what I like, and it should have been that way from the beginning but it's very easy to get derailed.

This particular shot, I can get lost in.

Friday, February 5, 2010

My First Large Print

The FedEx guy just dropped of my print. I've done little prints before, but this time it was a big 24x32. Very exciting and very rewarding. Most of my photography is enjoyed digitally, but it just doesn't compare to physically holding it in your hand, hanging it on your wall, viewing the subtle interactions between ink and paper. Very satisfying!