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Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Matthaei Botanical Gardens

A recent trip to the gardens revealed some new scenery to me on a cold and blustery day. This weather tends to keep people indoors and creates a quiet and undisturbed world that I'm more than happy to explore.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Back to it........

The creative juices are starting to flow and the moody allure of late Autumn/Winter is upon us. My favorite time of the year to photograph. One of my favorite subjects is trees. They seem to have a personality and one can only imagine what stories they would tell if they could.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Where is this heading?

It's been a while since I last posted. I really seem to lose interest in photography during the warmer months when cycling becomes my passion and finding time for both proves difficult with family and work obligations. Also, there's an allure to the colder months, a mood that I just cannot capture any other time of the year. It makes me wonder if I could fully commit to photography as a career or if the business aspect of it would smother that elusive feeling I get when I do want to capture something. Sometimes I wonder if there is a point to it at all, other then to satisfy my own soul, or maybe that should be enough.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

and yet another, this one of my oldest (8 yr old) Jacob.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Monday, March 8, 2010

Spent some time out at Lake Erie with the kids the other day. They have never seen the lake frozen over so it was fun watching them explore. I grabbed a few shots while watching them. I think their personalities really come out. I'll post one each's the first.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Spent some time walking on the beach along Lake Erie this morning. The sun was warm for a February morning and the lake was snow covered as far as the eye could see. Peaceful and quiet, it was nice to get away from everything for a few hours.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

I've been reexamining my work, looking at a lot of older photographs, trying to reconnect with it. During this process I think I've really discovered where I want my photography to go. I find myself connecting more emotionally to my images. It's kind of rejuvenating. I've always put a lot of pressure on myself to "appease the masses" and have been trying to create what I thought people would like. Now, I just want to do what I like, and it should have been that way from the beginning but it's very easy to get derailed.

This particular shot, I can get lost in.

Friday, February 5, 2010

My First Large Print

The FedEx guy just dropped of my print. I've done little prints before, but this time it was a big 24x32. Very exciting and very rewarding. Most of my photography is enjoyed digitally, but it just doesn't compare to physically holding it in your hand, hanging it on your wall, viewing the subtle interactions between ink and paper. Very satisfying!

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Just wanted to post something new, keep things fresh. Wish we could get some snow around here, Winter just doesn't feel right without it and I'm really getting anxious to do some shooting in it. Anyway, here's a Winter shot from 2007.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

It's good to be back to b&w. There's something peaceful about it, breaking images down to their most fundamental aspects. Line, shape, form, texture......sometimes color just feels like that band at the bar that's playing so loud you cannot enjoy an intimate conversation with a friend. I find it overwhelming sometimes. Simple is good, and black and white feels simple to me.

This photograph was taken in 2007 at Hudson Mills Metropark in Dexter, Michigan. Beautiful place along the Huron River that was, on this particular day, decorated in a layer of ice.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Back to Black and White

I feel liked I've strayed a bit from what I most enjoyed and that was black and white imaging. The allure of digital technology can pull you in many directions with HDR, processing techniques, filters, software..........I've enjoyed experimenting, but think I need to get back to my first love.

Also, wondering whether or not to continue my relationship with a certain photo sharing website........we'll see.

I'll leave you with one of my personal favorites from a few years back. it was taken at a botanical garden in Tipton, Michigan under the beautiful soft filtered light of a greenhouse ceiling.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Night HDR's

I've decided to try a new project of HDR night photography. Starting around my hometown of Dundee, Michigan and eventually branching out once I get my technique where I want it. I find a romantic quality to night shots and the glow of artificial lighting. Hopefully I can translate that into my images. Here is one of my first. It's looking north from across the River Raisin towards the small but quaint village of Dundee. Hope you like it.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Aaah, the world of online photo sales has begun for me as I launch my primitive but effective new storefront. Please take a moment to visit. I'll be getting my images up more and more each day so be sure to stop back to see what's new. As for shooting, haven't done much lately. Been spending most of my time under the hood of my wife's car, but lets not delve into that here. We are finally getting our first significant snowfall of the season and it's really got me itching to get out there. There's just something about a snowy winter night. Hopefully soon I'll get a chance to break away and do some shooting. I'll leave you with a shot I made last Winter, we'll call it wishful thinking.